Art & Technology

The Art & Design Faculty at Shavington Academy consists of 6 teachers and 2 technicians.
At Key Stage 3 pupils study both Art and Technology. Over their 2 week timetable they’ll have 2 lessons of Art and 3 lessons of Technology.

Design & Technology is taught through a rotation model with pupils experiencing a broad curriculum each year, including Food, Graphics, Product Design, Textiles & CAD/CAM.
Art is taught by the same subject specialist throughout the year and pupils will experience & explore a range of materials/techniques/skills and seek inspiration from artists & designers.

We offer five GCSE pathways across the Faculty; Art & Design, Photography, Textiles, Food and Design & Technology, with all being very popular option choices.
Our Key Stage 4 provision allows for the development of specialist skills and to equip all pupils with the knowledge and transferrable skills necessary to develop creative and inquisitive young minds; ready to embrace an Art/Design foci Post 16.

Art & Technology Faculty Staff


Mrs L Burton Head of Art & Technology Faculty

Mr P Boorne Assistant Head of Art & Technology Faculty

Mrs S Shackleton Faculty Teacher

Miss K Valentine Faculty Teacher

Mr C Wilshaw Faculty Teacher

Miss P Dye Faculty Teacher

Mr R Mayer Senior Technician

Mrs L Stretton Art & Food Technician




  • To develop confident and inquisitive visual learners
  • Deliver a curriculum which is based on developing skills and foster an environment where pupils can learn, create and explore with enthusiasm.
  • To recognise and be inspired by contemporary artists and makers.
  • Allow for sustained investigations which promote risk taking.
  • To foster creativity & problem solving in an ever developing world.



  • Ensure that all pupils receive a high quality delivery across all curriculum pathways which enable growth and confidence.
  • High standards & expectations of all pupils.
  • Projects allow for skill development across each year and the opportunity to link knowledge.
  • Learn environments which promote challenge, allowing for success, failure & the opportunity to modify and improve.
  • The Faculty is well equipped & allows pupils to explore a variety of pathways to suit interests.



  • A full and diverse curriculum which allows all pupils to question, develop and refine responses.
  • Artists / designers / makers woven into the curriculum allows pupils to be inspired by diverse historical / contemporary practitioners.
  • Pupils will be able to independently develop their work in response to a brief / theme.
  • Pupils have the skills which allow them to enjoy learning and see tangible progression during their time at Shavington.
  • A high quality Faculty curriculum helps learners to prepare for the next stage in their education, whether that be GCSE, Post 16 and including university.



Year 7 Creative Learning Journey

Year 8 Creative Learning Journey

Year 9 Creative Learning Journey

Year 10 Learning Journey

Year 11 Learning Journey



Year 10 Learning Journey

Year 11 Learning Journey






Year 10 Learning Journey


Year 11 Learning Journey


Food Technology

GCSE Learning Journey


Design & Technology Engineering

Key Stage 3 Learning Journey

GCSE Learning Journey