My Wellbeing- How can I look after this?

Healthy routines including regular exercise with a regular sleep pattern, a positive mindset and seeking support are all great ways of maintain a healthy body and mind. This page has top tips and actions to support your well-being. If you ever feel your well-being is suffering then please speak out with a friend, family member or to a trusted adult in school.

We can refer you to a number of support services that can help

  • Routines and organisation support from the pastoral team
  • Homework clubs for each year group
  • Counselling referrals
  • Drop in to Pupil Reception at break or lunch to speak to a member of pastoral staff
  • E-mail with any worries or concerns that you have about yourself or another pupil or speak to Miss Woodcock or Mrs McInnes in person

Website with top tips for your well-being
BBC Bitesize – Life and Wellbeing Child Line – Information and Advice

How do I get my day off to a good start?

One of the most important parts of a routine is having a good start to the day.

Try these things when you wake up:

1. Give yourself more time in the morning – set an alarm at the same time everyday and give yourself an extra 10 minutes so you don’t need to rush

2. Take a few minutes after you wake up to ask yourself how you’re feeling

3. Drink a glass of water to kick start your body and mind

4. Shower or splash your face with cool water to wake you up

5. Always have breakfast

6. Take 5 deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth

7. Do some relaxing morning exercises

How can I help myself to feel calmer?

Try one of these things every day:

  • Be kind to yourself. Think about what you’d say to a friend if they were in your position
  • Check your basic needs. Think about whether you are hungry, thirsty or tired – and eat, drink or rest if you need to
  • Focus on things right now. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or angry, take yourself out of the situation by pausing for 30 seconds and feeling your feet firmly on the ground or your back against a chair
  • Take a break. Make time to listen to music, go for a walk or have a chat with family or friends.
  • Take deep breaths. Take 5 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Be kind to other people. Help yourself to feel proud or good by doing a random act of kindness like offering to wash up, make someone a cup of tea or get involved in some voluntary work
  • Learn to say no. Think about yourself before others – if someone is taking up a lot of your time and it’s making you stressed or upset, let them know when you need a break

How can I sleep well?

When you’re struggling to get to sleep it can have a big effect on you. It can make it harder to concentrate during the day, or make you feel low and less able to cope.

There are many things that might make it difficult to get to sleep, including:-

  • Struggling with difficult feelings or memories
  • Worrying about homework or exams
  • Difficulties at home and/or difficulties with family members and/or friends
  • Having an unhealthy routine or diet

Things to try right now:

  • Get yourself into a comfortable position
  • Take some slow, deep breaths, breathing in and out
  • Listen to some calming music or white noise
  • Close your eyes and picture yourself in your favourite place
  • When you feel comfortable, turn off your phone and maintain a consistent routine for each and every bedtime